Sunday Scoop - April 26, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015

This week, I’m linking up with The Teaching Trio again for The Sunday Scoop. 

3 things I have to do:
Finish grading papers – I worked on this yesterday, but I still have some Science and some writing left to go.
Finish planning for the week – I had all of my lessons written for the week, but found out Friday afternoon that we are changing our testing schedule for the state test….so instead of testing on Monday, I need to figure out what I’ll be teaching.
Brush Nellie My golden retriever needs brushing ALL THE TIME!  But today should be nice enough to do it outside (which helps the cleanliness of my house!)

2 things I hope to do:
Mow the grass – I use “hope” very loosely here… I need to mow, but it rained all day yesterday, so it may be too wet to get this done today.
Organize my school bag – My school bag has become incredibly heavy lately.  I need to work through it and see if I can take anything out.

1 thing I’m happy to do:
Read my students’ latest stories – My kids worked on animal migration stories this week.  They were fictional stories, but had to show an animal migrating.  They had a lot of fun planning and writing, so I’m excited to read the final products!


Unknown said...

I know what you mean. I have a dog who needs to have her hair brushed and washed a whole lot.

The Dots of Teaching

Beth said...

I wish my dog cooperated with the brushing and I'd have far less Enjoy your Sunday :)

Liveloveserveteach said...

Oh, the school bag! I remember having to periodically just dump everything out of my bag. Now that I'm a stay-at-home momma I have the same issue with my purse...I'm always collecting stuff in it and still have to dump it.
Happy Sunday!
Joya :)

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